ARKA YEAR PLAN 2021-2022

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

April Monthly Plan
Task HoldersDateActivity
AdministrativeApril 1st to 15th1. Welcoming the next academic year and making preparations for the new academic year.
2. ARKA - SMC meeting. Speaking on fund mobilizing for the pressing problems, admission, and retention of children in school.
3. Distribution of diary for Students and teachers who are to plan the next academic year with the summer activities as the work to start with.
4. Distribution of split up syllabus for teachers and students (Subject wise in each class).
5. Morning Assembly plan changes to enhance better skills and traditions. Morning Assembly is conducted in English, Hindi, Sanskrit and Tamil. Prayer, ARKA's pledge, Gita Sloka, News, Observing Important Days by through speech, skit or drama.
6. Distribution of Time Table, Co-curricular Activities (CCA) and Sports Schedule along with the syllabus. Also planning for the camp before different events.
7. Collection of Notifications given by various committees (including SMC and PTA).
8. Fee collection for supply.
9. Planning for Maintenance & Repair works of Building and Furniture (under stock register) so to finish by May end.
10. Exchange of Books to the concerned Class Teachers (under class registers) who will handle a class for the current year.
AcademicsApril 1st to 15th1. Readiness program for Pre. K. G, I, VI and the new students getting admitted(Schedule is given as summer vacation work if not fit to be in a class- especially state board students).
2. Know Your Child (KYC) - Teachers orient themselves to know students well whom they have already taught. An orientation program is conducted on par with this.
3. Annual 'Back to Basics program' - An Orientation program for teachers aiming to clear the basic concepts, teaching methods, learning methods, the whole year plan, remedial teaching plan and 'School Quality' lacking areas to clear are planned and trainined here.
4. Result analysis of overall internal Examinations, Teachers' performance and Students' Learning and Teachers' Effectiveness (SLATE).
5. Action plan for all Class's Session ending Examination (SEE) performance.
6. Class wise and Student wise Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis and based on that target fixation.
7. Identification of slow learners and preparation of Class wise/ Subject wise remedial/Incentive action plans in line with Back to Basics program. Taking the same during the summer vacation to improve a child in urgent need of changing some behaviours - learning or personal habits or value based eucation.
8. Planning and providing Home work/ assignments/ projects / skill set development tasks for vacation.
9. Uploading of Home assignments in Class WHATSAPP group.
10. Retest for absentees of SEE & Supplementary exam for classes I to all classes.
11. Parents' meeting (PTA meet) for Class KG to all classes in taking over the tasks planned based on the SEE.
12. ARKA Academic Committee (ARKA - AC) meeting to plan on the next year targets based on the above analysis.
Co-Curricular Activities.April 1st to 15th1. Preparation of Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) schedule.
2 Forming houses (Gir Forest of Gujarat, AP Forest of Arunachal Pradesh, J&K Forest of Jammu and Kashmir and Nilgiri Forest of Tamil Nadu) and Clubs (READER'S CLUB, Language Club - English, Language Club - Tamil, Language Club - Hindi, Eco Club, Heritage club, Integrity Club, Aesthetic club, Music club, Math Club, Science Club, Electronics Club, Entrepreneurship Club, UNESCO club, Sports Club and Health Club).
3. Notification and collection of articles for class magazines by ARKA - Reader's Club.
4. Annual day by all clubs.
5. Registration of eligible students for Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India by ARKA - Science Club.
6 Social Science and Science exhibition at school level.
7. Identification of teachers and students for The National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) projects by ARKA - Science Club.
8. Participating in National Level Science Exhibition (As Notified) by ARKA - Science Club.
9. Green Day by ARKA - Eco Club. (2nd April)
10. World Health Day(7th April) by ARKA - Health Club.
SportsApril 1st to 15th1. Preparation of schedule for regional and national level competitions and camps before. Also participation in regional level sports meet.
2. Plan for summer coaching camp for cricket and other sports.
3. Plan for adventure activities like walking on burma bridge, u-bridge, rope walk, suspension bridge, rope ladder climbing, zorbing, beam balancing, commando net, swinging islands, net walk, zig zag balancing, pistal shooting, tyre hrdle, chocolate race, monkey crawl, trust fall, wire walk, commando crawl, tug of war, zip line, puppet show etc.
Bharat Scout & GuideApril 1st week1. Registration of Scouts/Guides/Cubs/Bulbuls.
2. Unit formation & allotment of duties.
3. Enrolment of students for 2021-22.
4. Registration for PM Shield competition.
5. World Health Day Celebration(7th April).
6. Earth Day Celebration (22nd April).
CMPApril 1st weekCommon Minimum Program planning done along with SWOT, SEE, SLATE, 'Back to Basics'and KYC.
THARUNOTSAVApril 1st weekGuidance and Career Counseling for 10th entering students.

16th APRIL 2022 to 30th MAY 2022 (SUMMER VACATION). The days to be with the family, learn the social heritage and family oneness.

June Month Plan
AdministrativeJune 1st week1. School reopens for classes from I to higher (1st June).
2. School reopens for Classes from Pre.K.G to U.K.G (17th June).
3. Clearing all the registers of admission by all means and Verification of students data in EMIS Portal (checking by the principal).
4. Being ready with the question papers for June month exam (15th June).
5. Verification of students data in EMIS Portal(Third Week/as instructed by SSA)
AcademicsJune 1st week1. Orientation on Vision and life style along with the need to know it to be a better citizen within the society, curricular, co-curricular and sports plan of the year and children's role to excel in the same.
2. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the June month split up.
3. Evaluation of Holiday homework & assigning grades under Co-curricular Activites (CCA).
4. Common Minimum Program (CMP) meeting in curricular activities of primary class children. It includes a film in every fortnight concentrating on language acquisition and concept acquisition. Calligraphy, dictation (Hindi/English), Poem Recitation (Hindi / English), Group Song, Drawing and Painting, Story Telling, Skit, Quiz(Mathematical and G K), community lunch, etc are planned. News letter should show case these. All these should encourage the child to perform well.
5. Awakened Citizen Program (ACP-a value education program for classes from VI) to begin for classes VI, VII, VIII. It is a 3-year graded program with 48 modules of approximately 45 minutes duration each. Each class/year goes through 16 modules. June month starts with 2 modules (1 and 2 - one in first week and the next in third week).
6. Getting parent Advocacy for Adolescence Education Program in classes VI to VIII with the Modules 3-14. Target audience for these materials is the adolescents in classes 8, 9, 10 and 11. The plan would be a combined class for classes VI onwards in ARKA. Some contents may not be taken to VI & VII. It would be age appropriate. June month module 3 and 4 are to handle in the first week and third week.
7. Monthly test (26th-30th).
8. Preparation of School magazine - ARKA vArtApatra to be started (to upload in ARKA blog site by July 5th).
CCAJune 1st week1. House formation & Club formation.
2. House meeting & Club meeting to elect Office bearers.
3. Formation of Student Council.
4. Notification & collection of articles for ARKA vArtApatra.
5. Student Council - Investiture Ceremony.
6. Issue of Identity cards & badges.
7. Planning and scheduling for svacchatA ARKA Activities & registration for green audit program under 'Green Schoo Program'.
8. World Environment Day (5th June). Rally to have a clean home and village without plastic. Added with these having speeches by children, and mime to convey it.
9. World Oceans Day (8th June). Giving awareness PPT on 'Non-biodegradable wastes and its impact in Ocean'
10. Anti Child labour Day (12th June). Giving awareness on the situation of students in other districts which are not much available in our district. A drama and video clippings narrating the situation of children who couldn't get education.
11. World Blood Donor Day (14th June). Conducting an awareness program on 'Blood groups and its help to others' there by giving awareness on features of blood groups which can be donated. Constructing scientific models based on blood groups selecting a topic and having a mini exhibition.
12. International Yoga Day (21st June). 'Healthy mind, soul and body' concept is evoked through a PPT and a video. Different posture of Yoga is displayed in physical education room with its use.
SportsJune 1st week1. Preparation for National Sports Meet , other meets and the camps before each tournament.
BS&GJune 1st week1. Pre Rajya Puraskar Testing Camp (Divisional Level).
2. Adventure activities- ARKA School level.
3. Advance training for scout masters/guide captain/cub masters/flock leaders.
4. World Environment Day (5th June).
5. International Yoga day (21st June).
7. Cluster level Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).

July Monthly Plan
AdministrativeJuly 1st Week1. Fee collection for July month before 5th of the same month.
2. Being ready with the question papers for June month exam (15th June).
AcademicJuly 1. Parents' meeting for follow up and remedial teaching at school level (2nd July).
2. Remedial classes starts in school.
2. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the July month split up.
4. Monthly test (27th to 31st). Social should be in two different question papers to make the learning thorough. English and Tamil should be on a single day.
5. 'Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research'(INSPIRE) - ARKA level. It can cover other research too like language and social science depending upon the interest of the child.
6. Awakened Citizen Program to continue with module 3 and 4 (In week 1 and 3).
7. Adolescence Education Program for class VI to X (Module 5-6 in week 1 and 3).
CCAJuly 1.ARKA level Social Science Exhibition
2. Cluster level Social Science Exhibition to be completed.
3. 3. ARKA vArtApatra to be uploaded in ARKA blog by 5th of July.
4. 'Vanamahotsava' (July 1st). Planting a tree within the campus. Also encouraging children to plant at least one plant on that day insisting on its importance through a talk, poster making, telling stories, paintings and model making. A garden has to be developed within the campus.
5. World Population Day (July 11th). A video clipping was planned to have. Also a poster presentation to express the issue is planned.
6. World Nature Conservation Day / World Hepatitis Day (July 28th). Cleaning the campus to be free from plastics, not disturbing the nature around (in terms of pollution,cutting trees etc.)and the living beings aroud. An awareness program on Hepatitis is to be provided.
SportsJuly 1st week1.'Swasth Bachche, Swasth Bharat' (SBSB) to begin as per schedule.
2. National Level Sports Meet.
BS&GJuly 1.Rajya Puruskar Testing Camp- Regional Level
2. Submission of PM shield log book- ARKA Level.
3. TRITIY SOPAN TESTING CAMP (T.S.T.C) (District Level).
4. Annual registration(subscription) for BS&G at ARKA level.

August Month Plan
AdministrativeAugust 1st week1.ARKA - SMC meeting. Assessing on the learning ability of each child and accordingly supplement additional provisions or instructions if any required, ensure the enrolment and continued attendance of all children of the school.
2. Fee collection for July month before 5th of the same month.
3. Health Checkup (first round) by Saradha Homeo College.
4. Identify teachers for Regional Incentive award.
5. Being ready with the question papers for August month exam (15th June).
AcademicAugust1. Parents' meeting (PTA) to analyse the July month results (classwise).
2. Changes if any to implement in COMMON MINIMUM PROGRAMME (CMP) to clear primary level teaching, sport and CCA./Back to Basic meeting - 1 to check the clarity of teachers in subjects with this motive in mind.
3. Periodic Test 1 (for Classes II to XI) for the syllabus completed up to July 31st.
4. Remedial classes check for any changes.
5. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the August month split up.
6. World Population Day (July 11th). Giving speech class wise during social science class. Social science teacher also gives a brief talk on HR development for a country's growth.
7. Awakened Citizen Program to continue with module 5 and 6 (In week 1 and 3).
8. Adolescence Education Program for class VI to X (Module 7-8 in week 1 and 2).
9. Monthly test (26th to 31st). Social should be in two different question papers to make the learning thorough. English and Tamil should be on a single day.
CCAAugust1. Social Science Exhibition (Regional Level)
2. Youth Parliament (Regional Level).
3. Hiroshima Day (August 6th). Having a talk on 'The Impact of War' and conducting and exhibition on the same.
4. Quit India Day (August 9th). Having a talk on 'How India got Independence?'. Having a skit on Quit India Movement demonstration.
5. Independence Day (August 15th). Having a dance to convey patriotism and develop the sense of patriotism.
6. National integration, peace, affection and communal harmony among the Indian people of all religions (Sadbhavana Diwas) in memory of late PM Rajiv Gandhi. (August 22th) Making posters on family, community and world peace.
7. ARKA vArtApatra to be uploaded in ARKA blog by 5th of August. 'Swasth Bachche, Swasth Bharat' (SBSB) to proceed as per schedule
S&G (S/G/C/B)August1. Independence Day (15th August) .
2. Sadbhavana Diwas (22th August).
3. Group Registration to be completed .

September Month Plan
AdministrativeSeptember1. Verification of students data in EMIS .
2. Fee collection for September month before 5th of the same month.
3. Being ready with the question papers for September month exam (15th September).
AcademicsSeptember1. Parents' meeting (PTA) to analyse the August month results (classwise).
2. Remedial classes to continue with the result analysis made till the month of August.
3. ARKA vArtApatra to be uploaded in ARKA blog by 5th of September.'Swasth Bachche, Swasth Bharat' (SBSB) to proceed as per schedule
4. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the September month split up.
5. Completion of syllabus and revision for Half Yearly.
6. Monthly test (27th to 31st). Social should be in two different question papers to make the learning thorough. English and Tamil should be on a single day.
7. Awakened Citizen Program to continue with module 7 and 8 (In week 1 and 3).
8. Adolescence Education Program for class VI to X (Module 9-10 in week 1 and 2).
CCASeptember1. September 5th Teacher's Day. Children's were encouraged to give program appreciating teachers. It can be in form of a poem, skit, dance, a writ up, or in any other form.
2. September 8th World Literacy Day. Sharing the experience of some uneducated elders who suffered without proper education. Also educated elders who lack in some skill sets which they now feel as mandatory.
3. September 9th World First Aid Day. An awareness program on first aid to be given for snake bite, fire, drowning in water. Also a short view on the herbal plants and its importance.
4. September 27th World Tourism Day. Speak on the tourists sites (narrate on any one by a child) of India.
5. September 28th World Ozone Day. Speech on air pollution and its impact on ozone layer. Poster presentation.
6. September 14th-15th Hindi Pakhwada(Two day program to bring hindi up.). Making to write small verses or jokes.
7. September 28th Junior Mathematics Olympiad.
CCASeptember1. Teacher's Day (5th Sep)
2. International Literacy Day (8th Sep)
3. International Day of Peace (21st Sep). Poem writing, article submission, and painting submission.

October Month Plan
AdministrativeOctober 1st week1. Fee collection for October month before 5th of the same month.
2. Being ready with the question papers for June month exam (15th June).
3. Parents' meeting for follow up and remedial teaching at school level (2nd October).
4. Education tour to begins
5. International Day of Peace (21st Sep)
6. ARKA vArtApatra to be uploaded in ARKA blog by 5th of October.'Swasth Bachche, Swasth Bharat' (SBSB) to proceed as per schedule
AcademicOctober 1st week1. Remedial classes start in school.
2. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the July month split up.
3. Half Yearly Exam for Classes I to higher classes with the portion completed till 30th of September.
4. Awakened Citizen Program to continue with module 9 and 10 as planned.
5. Holiday Homework has to be planned and given sustaining what they learned till the month of September.
6. National Children's Science Congress NCSC (Regional Level) - a science communication program.
7. Social Science Exhibition (National Level)
8. Adolescence Education Programme for class VI to X (Module 11-12 in week 1 and 2).
CCAOctober 1st week1. Submission of entries for Swatch Vidyalaya as per instructions from Thiruvattar SSA.
2. 1st October International Day of the aged (Grandparent's Day). Called aged and successfully carried life members to deliver an interactive session on 'Reality of being a Role Model' in the society.
3. 2nd October Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration and celebration of International Day of Non violence. Commemorate Gandhi's birdthday with speeches on non-violence, peace and tolerance.
4. 4th October Animal Welfare Day. Speech, poster and paintings on 'Killing and its impact on animals' 'Hybrid Meat animals and its impact'
5. 16th October World Food Day. Poster on "Energy acquisition-How at age levels"
6. 4th Week 1. Release of manuscript magazines
7. Vigilance awareness day. Say 'No to Corruption' with articles, poem, painting and postters.
8. Energy conservation day. An abstract on Kodayar power plant, solar panel in Gujarat, Aralvoimozhi wind mill plant.
SPORTSOctober 1st week1. Encourage sports giving a talk on 'Energy and Sports'.
S/G/C/BOctober 1st week1. All faith prayer & Swatch Vidyalaya Programme week in connection with Gandhi Jayanti Pravesh charan / Investiture
CMPOctober 1st week1. Mini Sports Meet.

November Month Plan
AdministrativeNovember 1st week1. Fee collection for the November month before 5th of the same month.
2. Being ready with the question papers for November month exam (15th September).
3. Parents' meeting (PTA) to analyse the October month results (classwise) of failed students.
4. Make arrangements for book exibition.
AcademicsNovember 1st week1. Remedial classes to continue with the result analysis made till the month of October.
2. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the November month split up.
3. Monthly test (25th to 30st). Social should be in two different question papers to make the learning thorough. English and Tamil should be on a single day.
4. Awakened Citizen Programme to continue with module 9 and 10.
5. Adolescence Education Programme for class VI to X (Module 11-12 in week 1 and 2).
6. ARKA vArtApatra to be uploaded in ARKA blog by 5th of November.'Swasth Bachche, Swasth Bharat' (SBSB) to proceed as per schedule
CCANovember 1st week1. 7th November National Education Day
2. 14th November Children's Day/ World Diabetes Day. Encouraging children to read more books. Giving talk on 'Importance of reading books'.
3. 14th-21st National Library Week. Book exibition for one week to purchase interested books by our children.
4. 19th to 26th National Integration week/ Communal Harmony week. Asking the children to write an article on each shared photo of the family or society members.
5. 26th November Constitution Day. Awareness on our constitution by giving a talk on one constitution by each kid from 8th and higher.
6. Before 30th Science Exhibition (ARKA level).
7. Awakened Citizen Program to continue with module 11 and 12(In week 1 and 3).
8. Adolescence Education Programme for class VI to X (Module 13-14 in week 1 and 2).
SPORTSNovember 1st week1. SBSB activities to continue
S/G/C/BNovember 1st week1. Service/Swachhata projects to be completed, Dwitiya Sopan/Dwitiya Charan, Herak, Golden Arrow
BS&GNovember 1st week1. Foundation day/Flag Day (7 Nov)
2. Children's Day (14 Nov)
CMPNovember 1st week1. Childrens day celebration for 2 full days helping the slow learners or below average by other children.

December Month Plan
ADMINDecember 1st week1. 1st week: ARKA -SMC Meeting to check on quality and safety issues if any.
2. Verification of students data in EMIS
3. Fee collection for August month before 5th of the same month.
4. Being ready with the question papers for December month exam (15th September).
5. Parents' meeting (PTA) to analyse the November month results (classwise) of failed students.
ACADEMICSDecember 1st week1. Remedial classes to continue with the result analysis made till the month of November.
2. Revision exam (Model exam as 10th pattern) for all classes. Difficulty level is according to the age level (class level).
3. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the November month split up.
4. Monthly test (26th to 31st). Social should be in two different question papers to make the learning thorough. English and Tamil should be on a single day.
5. ARKA vArtApatra to be uploaded in ARKA blog by 5th of November.'Swasth Bachche, Swasth Bharat' (SBSB) to proceed as per schedule
6. Science Exhibition (Regional level)
7. Awakened Citizen Programme to continue with module 11 and 12.
8. By December 19th Pre board result analysis and follow up
9. Adolescence Education Programme for class VI to X (Module 12-13 in week 1 and 2).
10. Review of Pre board result at Regional level
CCADecember 1st week1. 1st December World AIDS day. Giving talk on how AIDs spread and its impact.
2. 3rd December International day of persons with disabilities. Showing a video clipping of how they suffer and how we can helps. Also arranging for paintings and poster presentation.
3. 9th December International anti corruption day
4. 10th December Human Rights Day.
5. 14th December National Energy Conservation Day.Insisting on switching off the switches when not in use in home as well as school. Also giving painting competition and poster competitions to covey the same in a creative way.
6. 22nd December National Mathematics Day. Recognizing Math olympiad achievers. Also sharing the experience of math excelling students to the classmates.
NCSCDecember 1st week 1. National Children's Science Congress.(National level)
SPORTSDecember1. Annual Sports Meet on 26th.
2. Preparation for cluster and Regional level sports.
BS&GDecember 1st week1. Hiking and trekking- Vidyalaya level
2. Cubs & Bulbuls Utsav- Cluster level
3. Divisional rally/ KVS mini Jamboree-Divisional level
4. Annual three days camp
5. World AIDS day (1 Dec)
6. Human Rights Day (10 Dec)
7. ARKA Foundation Day

January Month Plan
AdministrativeJanuary 1st week1. Fee collection for January month before 5th of the same month.
2. Cluster level Back to Basics Meeting and (Common Minimum Program) CMP II.
3. Being ready with the question papers for June month exam (15th June).
AcademicsJanuary 1st week1. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the January month split up.
2. Monthly test (26th to 30th). Social should be in two different question papers to make the learning thorough. English and Tamil should be on a single day.
3. Preboard for Class X
4. PTA Meeting for the result analysis in class level.
5. ARKA - AC meeting to discuss on the improvements made and requirements needed.
6. Awakened Citizen Program to continue with module 13 and 14 (In week 1 and 3).
7. Adolescence Education Programme for class VI to X (Module 14 in week 1).
CCAJanuary 1st week1. 12th January National Youth Day. Developing the ground for the same.
2. 26th January Republic Day. A cycle rally within the school campus.
3. 30th January Martyrs' Day. Program on patriatism like speech, poem, poster, paintings.
4. 1st week Health Check up (second round).
5. 2nd week Regional level Science exhibition.
S/G/C/BJanuary 1st week1. National Youth Day Celebration
2. Voters Day (25 Jan)
3. Republic Day (26 Jan)
4. Anti Leprosy Day (30 Jan)
5. Pratham & Dwithiya Sopan testing camp- Vidyalaya level

February Month Plan
AdministrationFebruary 1st week1. Analysis of all class pre annual exam result to know about each child and plan for the next academic year.
2. Being ready with the question papers for February month exam (15th June).
3. Fee collection for March month before 5th of the same month.
4. 1st week ARKA-SMC Meeting in analysis of the year's performance and issues if any. If possible planning to give remedial classes in the holidays.
5. Printing invitation, certificates, program agenda, anual report, flex, purchasing medal, shield, costumes, ordering stage, decoration, chair, sound set in the first week of February for school day sports day.
6. Clearing all admission registers and EMIS of the same month.
AcademicsFebruary 1st week1.Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the split up for the February month. Subject enrichment activities to conclude and revision work for Session ending Examination starts.
2. Pre annual exam for all classes are to go between 23rd to 28th of February.
3. Class wise practice of dance, speeches, and other programs for annual day and sports day event.
4. 15-26 February Model examination (Class IX & XI)
CCAFebruary 1st week1. Co curricular activities to conclude with annual and sports day practices.
2. February 21st Mother Tongue Day. Poem reading, essay writing and book review in Tamil.
3. Exhibition of Teaching - Learning Materials(TLM), Art & Craft, Drawing & Painting.
4. February 28th National Science Day. Exhibit and explain working science models.
S/G/C/BFebruary 1st week1. 22nd December Thinking day celebrations.
2. Selection of Divisional Award for meritorious service of one SM/GC/CM/FL- Divisional level.
3. By 25th Triteeya charan and Swarna Pankh testing camp for Cubs & Bulbuls.
4. Founder's Day/ Thinking Day (22 Feb).

March Month Plan
Administration March 1st week1. By 31st Stock verification to be completed.
2. Fee collection for March month before 5th of the same month.
3. Printing of Student & Teachers' Diary for the next session is cleared.
4. Prepation of working committee for 2021-22 and planning for next session.
5. Preparation of time table to teachers by planning the classes for next academic year.
6. Admission to Class I
7. Preparation of Panel of contractual teachers.
8. Being ready with the question papers for March month exam (15th March).
ACADEMICSMarch 1st week1.Parents' meeting (PTA) to analyse the overall performance of the child and the way to revise the overall portion of the year.
2. Language and concept enrichment activities to begin with the overall portion of the year.
3. 4th week session ending examination for all classes. Language exams after the school day in April.
4. Declaration of Result and Open Day.
5. Result analysis to be sent to the principal, chairman, PTA and SMC.
6. Declaration of Result / Open Day